English Book, Completing Story.
Completing Story.
A dog once stole a piece of meat from a stall. He ran away with it and at last went to a stream. There was a plank across the stream. The dog ran over the plank. When he was running, he looked down into the water and saw his own image. But he thought it was another dog with another piece of meat.——————————————
The story of a greedy dog
A dog once stole a piece of meat from a stall. He ran away with it and at last went to a stream. There was a plank across the stream. The dog ran over the plank. When he was running, he looked down into the water and saw his own image. But he thought it was another dog with another piece of meat. Actually it was his own reflection. The dog was greedy. He wanted to get that piece of meat too. So he started barking at the reflection to have the other piece of meat. But Alas! During barking, his piece of meat fell from his mouth in the stream below and the current swept it away. Thus the greedy dog lost his meat and became disappointed.
One summer day, a crow got very thirsty. It searched for water hither and thither. At last it saw a jar at a distance. It flew down to it. There was a little water at the bottom of the jar. But it was too low for the crow. The crow tried to upset the jar. But the crow was not too strong to do it. The crow was in a fix what to do——————————————
A Thirsty Crow
One summer day, a crow got very thirsty. It searched for water hither and thither. At last it saw a jar at a distance. It flew down to it. There was a little water at the bottom of the jar. But it was too low for the crow. The crow tried to upset the jar. But the crow was not too strong to do it. The crow was in a fix what to do. Suddenly the crow saw some small pieces of stone near the jar one by one. As a result, the water came up to the brim. The crow then drank water from it to his heart’s content and flew away with a joyful mind.
There lived many mice in a house. A cat also lived there. The mice were very afraid of the cat. They could not move about freely. At last, they hit upon a plan to get rid of the cat. They held a meeting. It was resolved that a bell should be tied round the neck of the cat. Then they would hear him. They would no more be killed by him.——————————————
Who is to bell the cat?
There lived many mice in a house. A cat also lived there. The mice were very afraid of the cat. They could not move about freely. At last, they hit upon a plan to get rid of the cat. They held a meeting. It was resolved that a bell should be tied round the neck of the cat. Then they would hear him. They would no more be killed by him. When the cat will move, we will have time and be able to know that it is coming. Then we can escape. All of the mice clapped at the wise mouse’s words and everyone liked the idea and congratulated him on his original idea. Each one put forward a suggestion, but none of the idea was practical. However, the mouse said, “Comrades, it is no doubt a fine idea. But now, we must decide who is to bell the cat?” There was no sound except a faint murmur. No mouse had the courage to come forward to put the idea. But now, we must decide who is to bell the cat? There was no sound except a faint murmur. No Mouse had the courage to come forward to put the idea into action and the conference ended into nothing. All mice left the meeting one by one. So, the plan failed and the entire mouse left the place.
Rana’s parents are not financially solvent. They have a few pieces of land. They have a great hope in mind that they can educate their only son, their hard days will come to an end, and they will be able to see the light of better days in their life. So they spent all what they had for educating their son. After completing his graduation he came to Dhaka in search of a job.——————————————
Industry is the key to success
Rana’s parents are not financially solvent. They have a few pieces of land. They have a great hope in mind that they can educate their only son, their hard days will come to an end, and they will be able to see the light of better days in their life. So they spent all what they had for educating their son. After completing his graduation he came to Dhaka in search of a job. Rana tried no stone unturned to get a job in different offices, factory and firms. Everywhere he saw the notice broad, “No vacancy.” At last he met a man who was on of the directors of house builders. The gentleman talked to him and employed him to his firm with sufficient amount of salary. Rana thanked Allah.
Muna is the daughter of a poor farmer. Her father could not educate her son on account of his poverty. At the age of fifteen, her parents gave her in marriage with a very poor boy. He is very lazy. He does not do work. So Muna works hard to support her family. But she is always anxious what if she gives birth to a female child.——————————.
Industry is the key to success
Muna is the daughter of a poor farmer. Her father could not educate her son on account of his poverty. At the age of fifteen, her parents gave her in marriage with a very poor boy. He is very lazy. He does not do work. So Muna works hard to support her family. But she is always anxious what if she gives birth to a female child. So she tries to find out a way to earn livelihood. She has a cousin in a youth training centre. She went to him for his help. According to his advice Muna received training on poultry farming. After the completion of her course she got 10,000/= taka as loan money under easy condition from the training centre. With the money she began to raise poultry at her home. She began to work hard in taking care of the poultry. Her chickens and ducks grew smoothly. They were healthy. So selling them to the market she earned huge money. After repayment of her loan she received a large loan from her training center and invested this money for other profitable stocks and running business. In this way Muna has now become rich women. She enjoys a peaceful life. She sends her daughter to school. She hopes her daughter will receive higher education and enlighten the society.
Once there was a liar shepherd who tended his sheep by the side of a deep forest. To enjoy him self and to befool the people he shouted, “Tiger, tiger, please help me.” People would come running to help him. Then the shepherd would begin to laugh and say that he only played with them. Being disgusted the people would go back.———————
A liar Shepherd
Once there was a liar shepherd who tended his sheep by the side of a deep forest. To enjoy himself and to befool the people he shouted, “Tiger, tiger, please help me.” People would come running to help him. Then the shepherd would begin to laugh and say that he only played with them. Being disgusted the people would go back. Though the shepherd was a great liar. Many a time the shepherd did this trick. He enjoyed himself making fun with people. The villagers lost their faith upon the shepherd. One day a tiger really came and tore him to pieces. This time the shepherd cried out for help, but none came to help. He tried up the tree, but failed. The tiger attacked very swiftly and killed him. When the people found him as a dead body, they had nothing to do. I think that sometimes we ourselves create the tragedy in our life. Same thing happened in the shepherd’s life. If he didn’t tell a lie shouting ‘Tiger.’ People would come running and perhaps he might avoid the danger. So we should not tell a lie even for making a fun.
Rina works in a big factory of garments. There are more than five hundred workers in the factory. One day as usual she was busy at her work. Suddenly a sound came to her that there was a break out of fire from the short circuit. As ill news runs fast, the news spread very fast among the workers. But no one noticed whether there was actually any fire———————————————
The story of Rina
Rina works in a big garment factory. There are more than five hundred workers in the factory. One day as usual, she was busy at her work. Suddenly a sound came to her ear that there was break out of fire from the short-circuit. As ill news runs fast, the news spread very fast among the workers. But no one noticed whether there was actually any fire at all. All the workers tried their best to come out from the house. But some fell down and others stumbled them. At least 14 were died. So flied and jumped through the window. Among them two were died and all of the rest were injured. Rina also was injured. But later everyone came to know that it was just a rumor. There was a blast of electric transmitter near the building. It was really a tragic scene.
Once in summer day, a fox was very thirsty. He looked about all day for water to drink. At last he came to a well. The well was very deep. He tried to get water. He tumbled in. There was a little water. So he was not drowned. He drank all he could. Then he tried to get out. But he could not. A goat came to the well to drink water. He saw the fox and said, “I could not get any water. Is there water to drink.?”——————————————
Don’t believe a cheat
Once in summer day, a fox was very thirsty. He looked about all day for water to drink. At last he came to a well. The well was very deep. He tried to get water. He tumbled in. There was a little water. So he was not drowned. He drank all he could. Then he tried to get out. But he could not. A goat came to the well to drink water. He saw the fox and said, “I could not get any water. Is there water to drink?” The cunning fox was glad to see the goat and at once made a plan. He invited the goat and said, “My friend, this well is famous for its sweet water. I have jumped in and I’m drinking water to my heart’s content. If you want a taste of it yourself, please jump into it.” Without a second thought, the foolish goat jumped in the well. The fox at once leaped on the goat’s back then on to his long horns and got out at the well. Before leaving the place, he looked into the well and said, Foolish goat, look before you leaf. The goat at last cried to come out and wanted to get help from the fox but the fox went away.
Once there was an old man who had five sons. The sons always quarreled among themselves and got separated. The old man was very unhappy. Soon he fell ill. He felt that his days were numbered. He called his sons beside his bed. He asked them to bring a bundle of sticks. They were surprised, still they brought it. The old man then told his eldest son to break the bundle. He tried, but failed——————————————
Unity is strength
Once there was an old man who had five sons. The sons always quarreled among themselves and got separated. The old man was very unhappy. Soon he fell ill. He felt that his days were numbered. He called his sons beside his bed. He asked them to bring a bundle of sticks. They were surprised, still they brought it. The old man then told his eldest son to break the bundle. He tried, but failed. Similarly he asked the other four sons but no one succeeded. Then the old man told them to untie the bundle and gave a stick to sons and asked them to break it. Then all of them broke the stick easily. The sons got curious to know the reason of those activities. They all said to the father, “What have you made us do these jobs, dear father? What good will come of it? Then the wise father told his sons, “ Wait a bit, dear sons I am making it clear to you” The farmer then drew their attention to the tied bundle and the separate sticks. He clearly explained to them that they were like the sticks. If they remained separate and quarreled with one another, the enemy would easily defeat them. But if they remained united like the bundle in his absence, they would be much stronger and the enemy could not do any harm to them. He asked them to take a good lesson from that event. He strongly advised them to always remain united and not to quarrel among themselves anymore in future. At this the five sons could realize everything and promised to follow the advice of their father and learnt a great lesson as well as began to live together and happily.
Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a wonderful goose. Every morning she laid a golden egg. He used to sell the golden egg to the market. He became rich. But by this time the man became very greedy and impatient to have all the eggs at a time.———————————–
A Greedy farmer
Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a wonderful goose. Every morning she laid a golden egg. He used to sell the golden egg to the market. He became rich. But by this time the man became very greedy and impatient to have all the eggs at a time. Since he was greedy and wanted to be rich overnight. So one day he hit upon a plan that he would kill the goose and gets all the eggs of gold from its belly. Then he would sell the eggs and became rich at once The farmer told his wife about his plan. His wife was wise but not greedy. She said to her husband not be greedy and be happy with what they have. The farmer did not listen to his wife. He killed the goose with a sharp knife. Then he cut open its belly. But Alas! He found no eggs in it. He became extremely disappointed and lost the valuable goose forever. Instead of becoming rich, he became poorer. Though this incident the farmer understand that over greediness brought misfortune for him.
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